About the Book
With our unique focus on writing, our innovative web-born format and our open review process, we seek to move beyond the traditionalist ways humanities scholars – and historians in particular – have tended to think about and to use digital technologies. In a recent lecture delivered in advance of his forthcoming book, The Ivory Tower and the Open Web, Dan Cohen (2011) observes that most scholars have preferred “to impose traditional ivory tower genres on the web” rather than accept its most successful models, such as blogs and social media. What would happen, Cohen asks, if we reversed this flow and “embraced the genres of the open web?” How might the web challenge prevailing norms of scholarly work, particularly in how we generate and communicate knowledge with one another? This, in short, is what we seek to explore in our Writing History volume.
About the Authors
Jack A. Dougherty is Associate Professor of Educational Studies at Trinity College.
Kristen D. Nawrotzki is Lecturer, Faculty for Social Sciences, Paedagogische Hochschule Heidelberg (University of Education), Heidelberg, Germany, and Senior Research Fellow, Early Childhood Research Centre, Froebel College, Roehampton University, London, UK.