About the Book
The goal of Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice is to gather, synthesize, and critique current work that stakes a claim to “digital rhetoric” as field or methodological approach. Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice argues for a view of digital rhetoric as an emergent, interdisciplinary field of practice that has developed in parallel forms in a wide range of disciplines, including rhetoric and writing, composition, technical communication, digital game studies, literacy studies, media (and new media) studies, and human-computer interaction, among others. After tracing developments in these fields and providing a working definition of “digital rhetoric” and its relationship to digital literacy, new media, and digital humanities approaches, Digital Rhetoric examines theories of digital rhetoric, research methods for digital rhetoric scholarship, and a series of case studies of digital rhetoric practice. In addition to a synthesis and critique of current work on “digital rhetoric,” this project calls for the development of new theoretical frameworks and new “born-digital” research methods.
About the Author
Douglas Eyman is Assistant Professor of English at George Mason University and Senior Editor of the open access scholarly journal Kairos: Rhetoric, Technology, Pedagogy.