About the Book
The Media Welfare State: Nordic Media in the Digital Age is the first theoretically-driven book to comprehensively address the central dynamics of the digitalization of the media industry in the Nordic countries – Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland – and the ways media organizations there are transforming to address the new digital environment. The authors address Nordic media-industry structure and content from the standpoint of scholarly perspectives on global, regional and local approaches to media development. Taking a comparative approach, they provide an overview of media institutions and policy throughout the region, focusing on the impact of Information and Communication Technology/Internet and digitalization on the Nordic media sector. As illustrations, the authors draw on a wide range of cases, including developments in media forms such as television, radio, the press and the public service media institution.
About the Authors
Trine Syvertsen is Professor of Media Studies and currently Dean of The Faculty of Humanitities, University of Oslo.
Gunn Enli is Associate Professor of Media Studies at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, Norway.
Ole J. Mjøs is Associate Professor of Media Studies at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.
Hallvard Moe is Professor of Media Studies at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen.